Pou Ramaroa
Pou Ramaroa, “A Pillar & Beacon of Light” is a series of customised Walkspace LP_03 public light poles located in the heart of Manukau City on Putney Way, adjacent to the new Manukau Bus Station.
Working collaboratively with clients AT, Panuku and BECA as well as with local artists from the Roots Creative, a collective of amazing young architects based in Manukau, Walkspace customised, engineered and supplied the Pou Ramaroa and assisted in the integration and supply of the bespoke motifs by the architects onto the light poles.
The 10 motifs, each representing the culturally diverse Manukau and wider Auckland region run the length of the pole from top to bottom and are RGB LED backlit. Tonga, China, Cook Islands, Fiji, Niue, Samoa, Maori, European, Tokelau and India are all represented with bespoke motifs each independently backlit in bespoke colours to further enhance the cultural narrative.
As always, if you would like to learn more, please do not hesitate to contact the team at Walkspace