In October 2019, Nelsons’ Upper Trafalgar Street became a pedestrian mall. The project aimed to be a people-focused, place-based project, which aimed to draw more people, events and activities into the city centre.
Through the summer of 2020 a range of initiatives were introduced to take the first step towards achieving this aim. This involved installing artificial turf, picnic tables and hammocks. This year, seating, edible planters and lighting were installed.
Involved from early design stages, Walkspace detail designed, structurally engineered and fabricated the multi purpose lightpoles as well as the supply and installation of the catenary net system. The lighting is a key feature, and the design provides for a range of lighting options in the street. The project involved the installation of the light poles, in a heritage area. While this provides some challenges, Nelson now has some stunning lighting that will add to the look and feel of the city centre.
Alan Gray, city centre programe lead said the project was a “flagship” project which was “really out of the box”. These aren't the typical lights we'll see in our city, this is obviously our city’s premier civic space, with the connection to the cathedral, [and] the heritage association of that area”
As always, if you would like to learn more, please do not hesitate to contact the team at Walkspace
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Photo credits: Matt Bruce