The Westgate Town Square centrepiece Arbor poles are nearing completion with the final Kauri slats being fitted with pre-wiring electrical works, light fitment and testing taking place over the next few days. The thorough design management and pre-planning has ensured the production has taken place without delay or issue. We are stoked with the results.
Each of the ten Arbor poles are bespoke with varying Kauri profiles fitted; aligned to pre-determined compass points to ensure the correct light levels and illumination are met throughout the square.
The Arbor poles will be installed onsite over the next week by Walkspace. Eventually Tecomanthe Speciosa (Three Kings Vine) will be planted and work its way up and through the Arbor pole structures to provide a lush backdrop to the square. The plant flowers in Autumn and late winter providing long cream coloured flowers that further encourage native birds into the area.
As always if you would like to learn more, please do not hesitate to contact the team at Walkspace